Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Flat Earth Proof - Physics of Water

One good reason to why the earth is flat can be explained through the physics of water. Because water is a liquid and gravity exists water fills up a hole or diet in the ground until it is full to the brim. When it fills such objects the water fills it until it is flat. If the earth is flat (which it is) the water would be flat at the top of the place it is filling. This process holds true for oceans, seas and lakes. Some of you round earth believers might ask for evidence, so I present to you the  Bedford level experiment. During the initial experiments Samuel Rowbotham  placed a telescope 8 inches above the water line to watch a boat with a white flag on its mast 3 feet above the water. If the water was curved, the boat (after 6 miles) would have been 11 feet under Samuel's line of sight. However since the world is not curved the boat remained in Rowbotham's line of sight.


  1. How convenient that you failed to mention Alfred Russel Wallace's 1870 experiment at the Old Bedford. His results were quite different. Of course, Wallace was a real scientist and, as luck would have it, an experienced surveyor who knew all about refraction and how to minimize it. Something Rowbotham didn't know.

    Or did he? If you read the 1865 edition of Zetetic Astronomy, you see that when he is quoting the section of Encyclopedia Britannica that puts forward the eight inches per miles squared formula (among the most misused formulas in the flat-Earth arsenal), that he leaves Britannica's section about the effects of refraction intact, without comment.

    And if you read his own account of the experiment, you'll note two things. First, he specified that the telescope be placed NO MORE than eight inches above the water, where refraction is the biggest problem. Second, he did not get into the water himself; he had someone else do it. This is an old magician's trick. The more you can get a mark to participate in the effect, the stronger the payoff. My conclusion? Rowbotham was a fraud, and didn't believe one word that he wrote.

    I'll grant him this, though; he was, by all accounts, one hell of a showman. Just a shame that he duped so many along the way, even after his death.

    1. It doesnt matter he saw that the horizon was flat.

    2. chad, how does that even matter? the earth has a diameter of 12.5 thousand killometers, of course it "looks flat" over such a small distance

    3. Leo 6 miles is not a small distance

    4. 6 Miles IS a small distance in terms of planetary geometry. Just because 31680 feet seems large to you or me, its practically a sliver compared to the diameter of the Earth.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This website exposes that the flat earth is flat this site discusses
    Earth maps in earth measured
