Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Why do Round Earthers Get the Burden of Proof Wrong?

Why do Round Earthers Get the Burden of Proof Wrong?

After a lot of arguing with round earthers I discovered one common theme, they all assumed that the burden of proof lies with the flat earther. This is wrong. To start to address this issue Round earthers must understand what the burden of proof is. In philosophy the burden of proof is the obligation on a party in a dispute to provide sufficient warrant for their position. As a human when I see the earth with my eyes it looks flat (because it is flat), I don't see a curve. It is up to the Round earthers to provide evidence for their theory not the other way round. Until I can find convincing evidence that the world is round I will continue to believe that the earth is flat. Many times I have seen "evidence" thrown around by round earthers that "prove round earth". All of the evidence they provide is problematic. Whenever a round farther provides a picture from NASA that the earth is round it is problematic because the round farther falsely assumes that NASA does not photoshop. Whenever a round earther uses his or her camera to capture the earths curve they fail to factor in the fish eye effect.

I am so confident of my views on the earth that if any Round Earther provides irrevocable evidence in the comment section below then I will shut down this blog.


  1. agree, fantastic claims require fantastic evidence.

  2. Since the earth is rotating (see the “Foucault Pendulum” experiment for a definite proof, if you are doubtful), the consistent oval-shadow it produces in each and every lunar eclipse proves that the earth is not only round but spherical – absolutely, utterly, beyond a shadow of a doubt not flat.

    1. but how can you prove the earth is rotating, that is only speculation

    2. The Earth must be rotating, or you don't know how light works. If the Sun is constantly hovering above the flat Earth, then its light will propagate in every direction with the same intensity at equal radii. We know the sun is a gigantic sphere of plasma and that fusion is the mechanism that creates the energy. Scientists do experiments with fusion every day, though, unlike the sun, our experiments require more energy to input than they get out. Regardless, this light will propagate across flat earth, but with less intensity on the further you get away from the source. This is not to say that the light is not there, so nighttime would be impossible.

      I have yet to see any flat earthers argue that the sun works like a flashlight, where light is funneled to a specific location, leaving the outer edges in darkness, but be my guest: make up some excuse that defies physics and shows why the sun's light doesn't hit all parts of flat Earth simultaneously.

    3. 1. light can work without the earth rotating
      2. you are assuming the sun is a sphere, if it is a disk it disproves your entire argument

    4. Evidently you didn't read his explanation for #1, because your rebuttle is completely irrelevant.

      We can tell that the sun is a sphere because of the effects from other planets. We have seen the sun from Earth and Mars simultaneously, from different angles, and the sun looks the same every time...no other geometric shape can do that.

      You claim that people who believe in a spherical model of Earth have no evidence, yet there is not, and never has been a single piece of evidence to support a non-spherical model.

    5. Earth has small ups and downs that can cause the differences in light refraction. Earth has many mountains and canyons.

    6. I would be very reluctant to provide a proof of the earth's roundness so strong that Chad Oakville felt compelled to close down this site. I find the site hilarious. It adds to the gaiety of nations upon this earth, whether round or flat.

    7. What? Earth has small ups and downs that cause the differences in light refraction? Did you ever, in your life, and I mean even once, study physics? Ever? What the heck does light refraction have to do with line of sight?

      If the earth were flat, and the sun were above the "horizon", then the entire earth would experience some kind of illumination. As long as the sun were above the "flat earth horizon", everyone, and I mean everyone on this flat earth would be able to see some form of light. Even if they were standing behind a mountain. There would still be some form of visible light.

      Yet, if you skype from your home and call another flat earther that happens to be in a timezone 12 hours off from your own time, you will see that it is pitch dark night behind them. Heck, pick a time of day when it's sometime between noon and 2pm or so when the sun is at its highest for YOU. Then call your flat earth buddy on skype that's 12 hours away and have them walk outside or show you outside by pointing their laptop or cellphone toward the window. If the sun is directly above YOU, and if the earth were actually flat, then the sun would have to also be above THEM.

      I mean seriously, did you ever take a single physics course at anytime in your life???? Or even a geometry course for that matter?

    8. Chad Oakhill. I am not saying I believe in a flat earth or a spherical earth.

      However what I do believe is that Australia is not real. It's a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again. It's a coverup for one of the greatest mass murders in history, made by one of the most prominent empires.

      Australia does not exist. All things you call "proof" are actually well fabricated lies and documents made by the leading governments of the world. Your Australian friends? They're all actors and computer generated personas, part of the plot to trick the world.

      If you think you've ever been to Australia, you're terribly wrong. The plane pilots are all in on this, and have in all actuality only flown you to islands close nearby - or in some cases, parts of South America, where they have cleared space and hired actors to act out as real Australians.

      Australia is one of the biggest hoaxes ever created, and you have all been tricked. Join the movement today, and make it known that they have been deceived. Make it known, that this has all just been a cover-up. The things these "Australian" says to be doing, all these swear words and actions based on alcoholism, MDMA and bad decisions, are all ways to distract you from the ugly truth that is one of the greatest genocides in history. 162,000 people was said to have been transported to this imaginary land during a mere 80 years, and they are all long dead by now. They never reached that promised land.

      Tell the truth. Stand up for what is right. Make sure to spread the world - Australia is not real. It's a codeword for the cold blooded murder of more than a hundred thousand people, and it is not okay. We will not, accept this.

      Stand up for the ones who died. Let it be known, that Australia does not exist.

  3. Replies
    1. nice try but speculation does not equal evidence

    2. Is this a troll blog? None of this is speculation- people have provided absolutely irrefutable proof and you just ignore it.

      Even if this isn't a parody blog, being privy to this level of ignorance is hilarious.

  4. Trying to use Foucault’s pendulum as proof for heliocentricity really backfired when Maurice Allais repeatedly observed pendulums slowing their motion during eclipses! This implies that either the “rotating Earth” decelerates during eclipses or the firmament does. NASA doesn’t want to concede the implications so they continue to remain silent on the issue:

    Foucault’s Pendulum Eclipsed by Allais Effect (http://mando2u2003.blogspot.com/2010/11/foucault-pendulum-eclipsed-by-allais.html)

    [Source - https://aplanetruth.info/24-is-the-earth-a-sphere-the-many-failed-heliocentric-experiments/]

    1. Look a little more closely at the device he used- his paraconical pendulum was designed to pick up the slightest shifts in gravity from stellar bodies like the moon and sun. This does not show at all the rotation if the earth slows.

  5. How do you explain magnets? Just out of curiosity not looking to debate anything :)

    1. I dont see how that relates to the burden of proof or flat earth?

    2. Well magnets are what make compasses work right? And the only way compasses work are through the earths magnetic field around the north and south pole, if the earth were flat compasses would not work and therefore there would also be no magnetic field and so by saying the earth is flat you are also saying magnets aren't a thing.

  6. https://youtu.be/JgY8zNZ35uw

  7. you're actually making the assertion "because it is flat" so you need to come up with evidence. We given you loads. You have come up with nothing

    1. The assertion is that "The world is round" If I cannot see the curve of the earth I assume there is no curve until given sufficient evidence

    2. Go on a cruise, as you move away from land the shoreline will fall below the horizon, that is a literal example of Earths curvature.

      Second of all, if you get on top of a building more than, I don't know, 600 feet tall, you can see the curvature of the Earth. Don't believe me? Take a picture on your phone, and place a ruler across the horizon in the image, they won't line up because the horizon is curved.

  8. Nice post man. This to me is a great starting point for the flat earth. If someone cannot understand how burden of proof works then they are usually a lost cause.

    Definitely gonna bookmark this post for future reference :)

  9. Do you guys think that only earth is flat or that every other planet IS also flat?

  10. Earth's center of gravity is the most easily understood proof I can come up with. If the Earth were a flat plane, then dropped things would be pulled more or less to the center of it. And I'm pretty sure apples still fall as straight down in China as they do in the States, whereas if the Earth were flat, objects in different locations would fall at different angles to the ground (depending on where the middle of this "flat Earth" is located). But that's demonstrably not the case; objects are pulled to Earth's center of mass, down, from all points on the very slightly ovoid Earth.

  11. If the earth is flat, why can you not see Hawaii from the California coast line?

    1. Our eyesight is limited, we can only see so far.

    2. Stand on the East coast of the United States with the most powerful telescope you could imagine and point it directly East. You aren't going to see Europe or Africa.

    3. Stand on the East coast of the United States with the most powerful telescope you could imagine and point it directly East. You aren't going to see Europe or Africa.

    4. "Our eyesight is limited, we can only see so far." Is that seriously your answer? You've never heard of binoculars or telescopes? Seriously? You have to be the dumbest fuck in the world or a serious troll. The freaking ancient greeks managed to determine the earth was round by looking at ships on the sea horizon and seeing they couldn't see their hulls but they could see their masts. You are more freaking dumb than some bloke living 2,500 years ago. Congratulations on being one of the dumbest people on this round earth.

      I've also noticed you never did answer to Rick above even though he responded to you less than 2 hours after your post. This leads me to believe you're just a troll.

  12. You will contest any "evidence" provided with your own "evidence". What would you consider irrevocable evidence? What do you believe is your irrevocable evidence?

  13. Show me a picture of someone standing on the edge of this ice wall looking out into apace.

  14. This shows how FEs are dense.

    The burden of proof does lie on the one going against common narrative. It’s commonly known that earth is round. It’s been known for 2000 years. FEs brought up a new idea. It’s their job to prove it. It’s not the job of the REs to provide evidence against their own claim, because that would be contradicting.

  15. Is the earth shaped like a CD? Or a piece of toast? Can someone please post a photo of the edge of the earth?

  16. Nice! thank you so much! Thank you for sharing. Most people do not realize the most accurate world map is a globe. It is actually common sense as to why this is. The earth is round, not flat, so flat maps are good but not truly, completely accurate when studying the earth. flat earth map

  17. Have a look. Why it is hard to see the curvature from the ground: https://flatearthisnonsense.blogspot.com/2018/11/why-cant-i-see-curvature.html

  18. What about the tons of raw unedited verifiable images of Earth from the Apollo missions? These image can be verified by any photo forensics lab by hashes and md5 checksums, proofing they are not edited in any way, which btw makes sense as digital image editing like photoshop did not exist at that time.
