The image below helps explain what conformation bias is.
Monday, September 26, 2016
The Problem With Conformation Bias
One question all you flat earthers out there might be asking is why do people believe something that is so blatantly wrong. One easy reason for this is confirmation bias. Conformation bias is defined as the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories. Since so many people are indoctrinated to believe in round earth they have a hard time believing it is wrong. It is easier to believe that what you spent so much time and effort believing is right that people go out of their way to find evidence to support that theory even if it is not the best evidence. The best example of this is that when NASA releases a photoshopped picture of the Earth people do not scrutinize it. They just accept it as reality and move on. Additionally since a majority of people (unfortunately) believe that round earth is real, you may risk being ostracized by even questioning round earth.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Why do we Believe in Round Earth?
The NASA Coverup

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
The Horizon Theory
If the World was Round Wouldn't the Horizon be Curved?
One easy way to prove that the Earth is flat is just to look at the horizon. Notice how the horizon is flat and not round? No matter how far up or how far away you look, you cannot see the curvature of the Earth. Even from very high altitudes like Mount Everest you cannot see the curvature of the Earth

Above is a picture of the horizon seen from the summit of Mount Everest. Do you see a curve in the horizon? I don't. This argument is probably one of the easiest ways to debunk the myth that the Earth is round. At an altitude of over 29,000 feet Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. At an altitude of 29,000 feet you should see a curve in the horizon of the Earth. However at 29,000 feet the horizon is straight. A vast majority of the world is told that the world is flat, and this myth is strengthened through photoshopped images of Earth from space and terribly inaccurate globes. If you are part of that 99% I ask you to take a harder look at why you believe the Earth is round.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
The Great Wall Argument
One easy argument against the round earth theory are the inconsistencies with the round earth message. Ever heard the phrase our government peddled that said "the Great Wall of China can only be seen from space"? Well they proved that wrong in their own "photographs". This is just one example of a government that can't keep its lies straight. This is just one piece of evidence that proves that the government and Nasa collaborate to try to rip us off. It is disgusting and they should be held accountable for their actions. Nasa rips us good paying citizens out of our tax dollars. Nasa especially should be ashamed at themselves, for they cant even keep their own lies straight. Every year Nasa annually rips off every citizen of $60 With a budget of over $18 Billion you would think that Nasa would be able to come up with more convincing lies. Or at the very least lies that don't contradict each other. Nasa is a scam and we should not support it.
Do you see the Great Wall?
No this is not a joke
You are probably thinking right now that there is no way the Earth can be flat and that it must be round, you would be wrong. Let me ask you this, have you actually seen the curvature of the Earth? No. All you have seen are "images" of the world from space. The round earth theory is just a giant conspiracy to fund NASA created by our own government.
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